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Showing posts with label Aspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aspiration. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How to stay motivated all time

"Staying motivated is something which we have to do it daily, like our daily habits such as bath, brush, hair comb, etc otherwise we will always indulge in that boring mendacious life which is full of boredom"

Below are few points that will help you to stay motivated daily

1) Have a look at it, read it, watch it

    We often get motivated by reading a quote/line/sentence by a famous person or by watching a video of such a person, so have a look at it whenever you get time or else you can schedule daily time for it and have a look at it doing this will fill you up with great enthusiasm.

2) Be Consistent

    Keep consistency as the key factor in your motivation, whatever you are doing for motivation do it consistently, small gaps in between are fine. often at starting you may not get a reward, but think about the big picture you will definitely hit that jackpot through consistency

3) Be optimistic

    Always have hope & confidence for the better outcome of the things that you are doing in your life, there can be few days where you will not be able to see the outcome you expect and there can be days where you will be able to see the outcome beyond your expectation.
In terms of not as per your expectation, always look at the positive side, there is something to be cheerful :) 

4) Surround yourself with open-minded people

Open-minded people are those who discover you to new ideas, people, experience, places, and so on. They expose a whole new world to you and your perspective becomes wiser as a result.
They expand your comfort zone for you through the process of just being around them, which keeps you motivated whenever you are spending time with them.

5) Keep up the fun 

Whatever you are doing, no matter how hectic the task is, do it with fun, talk to yourself, reward yourself if you complete your task before time. you may listen to music as well while doing a few specific tasks.
Doing your work with fun is itself a motivation that will hook you with your goals for a longer period of time or we can say forever

End thoughts

There is n number of ways which will help you to stay motivated, I have mentioned common ways as per my opinion for the motivation & also have kept the list short & simple.

Do share it with your friends if you like it :) 
Stay Safe, Stay Home

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Procrastination - How to deal with it

What is Procrastination:-

It is nothing but delaying a particular task for instant pleasure or there can be other reasons also which leads to Procrastination.

We often procrastinate on silly things that we will do at that time or later on, there is nothing bad in procrastination, as long as we bounce back from the spiral dilemma of procrastination, a bit of it is good, addiction is not.

Below are a few things you can try to get rid of so-called Procrastination.

Common Reasons Why We Procrastinate:-

     1)   Fear of Failure:
We all have different definitions of value, simply because we all have different goals, values & belief systems,  A failure to one person might simply be a great learning experience for someone else.

Many of us are afraid of failing, at least some of the time. But fear of failure is when we allow that fear to stop us from doing the things that can move us forward to achieve our goals.

     2)  Rewards that are far in the future:
Patience is what something suits here well, we often think when we start doing a task that it may take too much time to get build up  in the future or We may get the thought like will it be worth in the future?

Often this thinking & occurrence of such thoughts lead to Procrastination, We may have great enthusiasm at the start but later in the time we give up and welcomes Procrastination in Life.

     3)  Lack of motivation:

Motivation is something which we need in every aspect of our life, often we get motivated for the particular time or moment in our life, by watching a video, reading a quote by famous people or by reading a meme on social media, we may even post something like that on our social media accounts as well.

But what after that, we get engaged in the same old school bus of our life, Staying motivated is like taking a bath, you need to stay motivated daily, otherwise lacking in this will lead to Procrastination.

     4)  Anxiety:

Anxiety is the body’s physical response to fear, this might include conditions like a racing heart, rapid breathing, sweaty palms, etc.

Everyone feels anxious at times, and a certain level of anxiety is both normal and even helpful in some situations. Anxiety is our body’s way of keeping us safe. For example, imagine you’re walking home, and you’re pulling your feet because you’re tired. Unexpectedly you think you see a snake. Suddenly, you forget how tired you are and have a burst of energy that helps you to getaway. However, feeling too much anxiety about something usually gets in the way and can be unhealthy & ultimately it will lead to Procrastination.                                    

     5)  Disconnect from our future self:

Procrastination today will bear your consequences in the future, if you delay something now it will have a harmful effect on the future, it may physical, economical, psychological as well.
So make sure what you are doing today, will make your future self,  it is possible to build a connection with your future self through visualization and mindfulness meditation. And that connection you build is effective in reducing procrastination.   

How to Stop Procrastination-


      A.   Overcome your Fear:  

     Fear is one factor that contributes to procrastination. This can involve a fear of failure, a fear of making mistakes, or even a fear of success. Face it, Experience it & Master the art to rise above it,  
By addressing the fear that is keeping you from getting started, you can begin to overcome your procrastination habit.

      B.   Prioritize things, but not delay:  

      Marked your task as per your priority, and executes it one by one, this will surely boost your confidence to do your task consistently, also it will avoid you to procrastinate.

      C.  Recognize the Arrival of Procrastination: 

     As you start to tackle items on your list, pay attention to when thoughts of procrastination starts to crawl into your mind. If you find yourself thinking "I don't feel like doing this now" or "I'll have time to work on this later," then you need to recognize that you are about to procrastinate.

      D.  Eliminate Diversion:  

     It’s hard to get any real work done when you keep turning your attention to what's on television or you keep checking your Social Media account’s, Assign yourself a period of time during which you turn off all distractions—such as music, television, and social networking sites—and use that time to focus all of your attention on the task at hand.

      E.  Honor Yourself: 

     Once you have completed a task (or even a small portion of a larger task), it is important to reward yourself for your attempts, Give yourself the opportunity to indulge in something that you find fun and enjoyable, whether it's attending a sporting event, playing a video game, watching your favorite TV show, or looking at pictures on a social media site.


Breaking the procrastination habit isn't easy. After all, if it was simple there wouldn't be an estimated 70 to 95 percent of students engaging in procrastination on a regular basis. The urge to put things off can be strong, especially when there are so many things around us to provide fun and entertaining distractions.

While procrastination might not be something you can avoid entirely, becoming aware of the reasons why you procrastinate and how to overcome those tendencies can help. By implementing these strategies, you might find that it is easier to put your nose to the grindstone and get started on those important tasks. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

How to increase the standard of your life in this world full of chaos

 Fact: - If standard of living is your number one objective, quality of life almost never improves. But if the quality of life is your number one objective, the standard of living invariably improves.” — Zig Ziglar(American author & Motivational Speaker)

In this whole world of chaos, by running after money, achieving high standards in the job, living the luxury life around high tech gadgets, we often forget to increase the standard of our life.

To increase the standard of our life, we need to do very small things in our day to day life, there is nothing we need to exaggerate about it to others or on social media, and ultimately it will be beneficial to you and the people around you.

“Satisfying yourself peacefully is the best way to inner happiness”

We can categorize our standard of living in terms of habits:-
  1. ·       Happiness habits
  2. ·       Healthy Habits
  3. ·       Vitality Habits
  4. ·       Income Habits
  5. ·       Leisure Habits

Happiness habits:-

1) Smile even when you are stressed:
     Smiling reduces stress & helps the heart in a different way, In other words, it will trick your brain into believing you’re happy which can then encourage the actual feeling of happiness.

If you can’t force yourself to smile, put a pencil in your mouth and the natural curve of your mouth will help you to engage a smile. Try this for 15 to 20 minutes per day. You’ll be surprised to see, even if you feel depressed, this will brightens your mood.

2) Daily gratitude:
     The health benefits of expressing gratitude are many, and some might surprise you, Spend 15 to 30 minutes every single day listing off what you have to be grateful for. Even if you feel like you have nothing to be grateful for, search for something. Maybe you’re in a financial problem, but at least you have the knowledge in your mind and the ability to walk, talk, and reason. If you search, you can always find something to be grateful for.

3) Daily Learning:
     Learning daily is one of the vital tasks in our life, It allows us to grow, mature & gain knowledge, If not book you can find Newspaper, Comic, Magazine, Video tutorial, blog or anything else that you learn to enjoy like a learning resource. Learn every single day & spend at least 15-30 minutes on learning.

Health Habits:-

1.  Eat a healthy breakfast every day:
You’ve heard it before, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it’s no lie. Studies have shown women who missed at least breakfast once a week were at higher risk of developing Type2 diabetes and men who are doing the same can face heart issues later in life, So never skip your breakfast at any cost.

2.  10,000 steps daily:
Maybe you can’t exercise daily but you can walk daily, make sure you walk at least 10k steps each day or close to that number, It will not only help you in weight loss, but it also helps to decrease your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

3.  Drink an adequate amount of water:
Well this will depend on your daily activities, size, age, the climate in your living, etc., but you should drink an adequate amount of it. You can take advice from nutritionists and doctor on the daily intake of your water.


Vitality Habits:-

1.  Time Management:
People who effectively manage their time have an    increased amount of energy and vitality. Managing your time demands daily attention and action of the important tasks over the urgent, Time management can be achieved by creating to-do lists and building tasks for the day based on their order of importance and urgency.

2.  Get at least 7 hours of sleep:
Sleep is an important function for many reasons. When you sleep, your brain signals your body to release hormones and compounds that help you to manage hunger levels, maintain your immune system and retain memory. Lack of sleep can cause increase your risk for serious health problems such as obesity, disease, and even early death in a few cases.

3.  Inspirational Input:
One of the best ways to add vitality to your life is through daily inspiration. What’s your inspiration? What inspires and motivates you to push towards your dreams? Give yourself that boost needed by seeking out some form of information, whatever it may be.

One of the best ways to achieve this is through imagery, by hanging those photos somewhere you’ll see daily, you can help to inspire and motivate you towards your dreams We all get a little bit frustrated time to time, but if you spend 15 to 20 minutes each on inspirational input, you’ll see enormous results.

Income Habits:- 

1.  Set & Review Goals:
Setting and reviewing goals on a daily basis is important to achieving your income goals. This is one of the best habits that you can have towards the pursuit of your monetary goals. When establishing daily goals, make sure that you prioritize. This means doing the most important thing first. For example, if you want to make more money, then you should pursue activities that can make you thousands, instead of chasing actions that earn you hundreds.

2.  Save 20% of your income:
People often think that right now is too early to start saving or investing. Wrong! It is never too early to save a portion of your income, no matter how low or high your income is! At least 20% of your income should be saved, in order to build up your funds for investment opportunities.

Start saving today! In fact, experts say that you should save before you spend. Keep aside a portion of whatever money or income you get, and then spend the rest!

3.  Daily Budgeting:
Create and stick to a budget, and follow it regularly. This should allow you to save and invest your money over time. If you don’t stick to a budget, it’s much harder to get ahead and accomplish your income goals. Knowing just how much money you can or can’t spend every day will help you to get ahead.

Budgeting is the foundation of all your financial planning and success.

Leisure Habits:- 

1.  Get Organized:
“Clean house, clean mind.” Spend a few minutes of your leisure time organizing your surroundings. Take 5 minutes to clean up your desk, bed, or simply to throw things away. You’ll be surprised at how much your quality of life will increase when you get organized.

2.  Socialize & Network:
Boost the quality of your life by socializing and networking. It’s been said that 80% of rich people spend 5 hours or more networking, whereas the poor spend 16% of their time doing so. But, networking doesn’t have to be justified solely for business. Take an interest in other peoples’ lives (not personal life) and you’ll be surprised just how much it will come back to you.      

3.  Do one thing you are afraid of:
Do one thing that you’re afraid of every single day. Take your leisure time for developing this habit. What are you afraid to do? Why are you afraid to do it? Too often, we can’t get ahead because of how scared we are of something. Fear and anxiety seem to be halting us. Overcome your fears and force yourself to do just one thing you’re afraid of doing.

Hope these above-mentioned points will help you to increase your standard of life :) 
Do subscribe to my blog for more worthy stuff :) 
Stay Safe & Stay Home :) 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Why most of the disease(SARS & Corona virus) keep appearing in China

A lot of viruses that actually makes us sick, originally come from Animals, some of the viruses that cause flu come from Birds & Pigs, HIV/AIDS come from Chimpanzees, Ebola comes from Bats & in the case of coronavirus, there is some evidence that it went from Bat to Pangolin before infecting the human being.
While all these viruses are good at jumping between species & it is very rare for any of these viruses to come in contact with each other to infect human beings, unless all this host (Bat -> Pangolin -> Human being) need to come in contact with each other at some point, that’s where the Wet Markets come in the picture like Wuhan Wet Market in China.

In Wet Markets, the cages in which animals are kept are stacked over one another, animals at the bottom are often soaked with the liquids from the animals above them, liquids like animal excrement, puss, blood etc. & that's exactly how the virus from one animal is transferred to another & If that animal come in contact/consumed by a human being the virus could potentially infect them, thus when it spreads to other human beings it causes an outbreak.

                                   Fig – Major wet markets across world

Wet markets are present in all over the world, but particularly those in China is well known than others because of they offer a wide variety of animals including wildlife animals from all over the world & each animal thus have their own potential to carry their own virus to the market, the reason why all these animals are present at a single place becomes possible by the decision that China's Government make decades ago.

                                Fig:- Menu of the Wuhan Wet Market

China's History:- 

Now, let's take a ride back in china's history, In 1970s China, is falling apart, famine has killed more than 36 million people, the communist regime  which controlled all the food production of china is failing to feed all people. In 1978 when the regime is going to collapse they gave up this control of food production & allowed private farming.

While large companies started the production of pork & poultry, the smaller farmer turns to catch and raising wild animals as the way to sustain themselves, at initially it was very pleasant household farming/operations of turtles, since these activities are feeding the people the Chinese government has supported it.

But then in 1998, the government made the decision which changes the face of wildlife farming in china, They imposed the "Wildlife Protection Law" which designates the animals as resources owned by the state , the law also encouraged the "domestication and breeding of wildlife" & with that the "Wildlife Farming Industry" was born, small local farms turn into industrialized size operation, farmers were also raising the wide variety of animals which ultimately increases the chances of more viruses into the farm.

As this industry is started booming, eventually, it gave rise to the "Illegal Wildlife Trade", animals such as Tigers, Rhino, and Pangolins are trafficked into China.

As this Trade & Farming are reaching the sky rockets, finally inevitable happen in 2003 when the SARS outbreak takes place in mainland china, it was traced to the wet market in Foshan in southern China, scientist found traces of the virus in civet cats, Chinese officials quickly shut down the market & temporarily banned wildlife farming, But soon after a few months, the chinese government resumed the wildlife farming again & make the civet cats farming legal.

By 2004, Wildlife farming industry was worth an estimated 150 Billion US dollars, in 2016 the Chinese government has even sanctioned the farming of some endangered species like Tiger & Pangolins.

The Wildlife industry has been promoting these wildlife animals as tonic products, body-building products, etc., none of these claims don’t have any concrete proof. 

Organizations around the world are urging and requesting china to ban this wildlife trade permanently, Chinese social media are flooded with the petitions of banning the trade, in response to this China is amending the Wildlife Protection Law.

But unless this action lead to a permanent ban on wildlife farming, outbreaks like this are bound to happen in the future, Hope China will learn the lesson from Coronavirus & will keep the Permanent ban on Wildlife trades.

Glossary -

1) Wet Market - A market where live animals are slaughtered and sold for consumption
2) Famine - Scarcity of food caused by various factors
3) Communist regime - The rule in which everything is owned by the government, countries such as China, Cuba, and North Korea are a few examples of Communist regime
4) Pork - Flesh of Pig
5) Poultry - Type of farming which raises the domestic animals and birds 
6) Civet cats - An animal found in the tropical forest of Asia and Africa
7) Sanctioned - Official permission
8) Endangered - Species at the risk of extinction
9) Amending - Minor changes

Hope this well researched article has helped you too understand why china is the hub of new diseases
If you find it helpful do share it with your close ones 
Stay Safe & Stay Home.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Things to do in the on-going Self-Quarantine/Lock-down Period

Here are few things which you can do in your home to get rid of boredom:- 

1) Read a Book- 

You can read the book, either it can be the fiction/novel or non-fiction depending upon your interest, you can choose the different genres as well like Suspense, Self-Help, College-Life, Love-Story, etc.
Believe me, choosing the Right book of your interest will make your mood brighten.

2) Learn How to Cook

You can start learning how to cook, especially for boys who haven't tried their interest in cooking can go with this thing, not only in these quarantine period it will help you in the long run as well, For girls who already know how to cook can try different recipes.
There can be multiple scenarios in which this skill will help you like if you get a job outside your town, your mom is not at home, etc.

3) Binge Watch Documentary or Stand up Specials

We have already binged watching Television Shows, Web series & Movies in our day to day life, to do something different you can binge-watched these things, there are plenty of these shows available on Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hot star.

There are few documentaries that are available on YouTube for free, but there are no full-length stand-up specials are available on YouTube, there are just a few clips available of 5-8 mins only.

Few of my personal favorites are as follow-

Documentaries - 
1) Rafale: Top Secret Plane (Amazon Prime)
2) Submarines: The Invisible Weapon (Amazon Prime)
3) The roar of the Lion (Hotstar)
4) Saddam Hussien: The Truth (Youtube)

Stand-up Specials - 
1) For India by Vir das (Netflix)
2) Kaksha Gyarvi by Zakir Khan (Amazon Prime)
3) HahaKaar by Gaurav Kapoor (Amazon Prime)
4) Kal mein udega by Rahul Subramaniam (Amazon Prime)

4) Have a group video call with close friends 

Yes you can do this, have a call with those friends and ask them how they are spending their time on this self-quarantine period also you can share your tasks as well which you are planning to do in this period.
If you find any of your friend's things interesting, you can add that to your to do list.

5) Play those childhood games

You can play those childhood games, which you can't even remember the last time when you have played those games.
You can play games like chess, ludo, business, snakes & ladders, carrom, etc, you can play these games with your siblings, parents or any other family members, by spending time on these games will definitely bring back your childhood memories.

6) Learn a new language- 
Yaa, I know learning a new language will not be sufficient enough to complete in this quarantine period, but you can extend this thing after the lockdown period as well.
It will be helpful for your brain exercise, also it will keep you creative, you can spend daily 15-20 mins on this, believe me, it is a lot funnier to hear the few pronunciation’s of words in a particular language 
They are plenty of famous apps available which will help you with this; the app that I am using is available on play store - Duolingo, from which I am started learning "Spanish".

7) Meditation

Last but most important, this is also a few of those tasks which you can continue after the lockdown period.
They are plenty of benefits of doing meditation like you will be able to concentrate more on your work, You will have good focus, you will be stress-free, etc. , you can Google it for more benefits.
You spend daily 15-20 mins on this, initially, you can start with 5 mins as well, but it is not the overnight success thing it will take time, don't lose hope there are people who do meditation for a few days and later they give up on this, believe me, keep doing it properly & consistently you will definitely able to see the outcome of it.

* Hope this article will help to cure your boredom & to be creative in this self-quarantine period :)

* Stay Safe, Stay Home 

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How to stay motivated all time

"Staying motivated is something which we have to do it daily, like our daily habits such as bath, brush, hair comb, etc otherwise we...